Hiblow HP-80-0119 Septic Air Pump

Hiblow HP-80 0119 septic air pump is a model of Hiblow that is used in specific septic systems. It has an air barb that comes with the unit and an option to not use the air barb as well. With its high durability diaphragms and long-lasting coils, you will get years of service from the HP80-0119.


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Product Specifications

  • 80 Liters of air per minute
  • 3.6 psi Max Continuous Operating Pressure
  • 36 dBA @ 1 meter
  • Quiet operation
  • Long life


How-To Tutorial Video

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Hiblow is known for providing top-of-the-line septic aerators. Truly, they are known for their longevity and premium grade materials. In fact, Hiblow's aerators have been put to the test across the country and proven to last long lives. Not to mention rebuild kits are available to prolong the lifespan of your pump. Nevertheless, they have been known to power systems around the world for nearly 100 years.
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