Hiblow DUO 60 Septic Air Pump
How do you know if you need a septic air pump? If you’re looking for a functional septic system, an air pump can be essential.
Dual Port Aerators are dual port Aeration blowers that use two ports that cycle between ports. One acts as the primary aeration port and the other is connected to an airlift style skimmer in the clarifying part of the unit. No programming is necessary to accomplish this, you simply hook it up and it does it on its own.
The Duo Series was created out of the need for a more efficient running dual port aerator. The rare earth magnet that is used in place of the iron pharate magnet is much more powerful. This allows the coils size to be reduced and the electricity needed to run the unit, to be reduced. A new switching mechanism was also incorporated in the bottom of the unit that switches from aerating to skimming. This new switching unit is now more durable and longer lasting than the older series. We also incorporated a new timer that is much more user friendly. The timer allows for the easy manipulation of skim times, allowing you to better control the treatment of the water. The Duo Series comes with a 2-year warranty and uses the same rebuild kits as the XP Series. This takes away guess work when servicing multiple septic systems because the kits are universal across the board. The Duo Series comes with the 2 rubber elbows for connecting and it also has a pre-tapped port for the pressure sensor in control panels. It comes in a 60 liter of per minute (LPM) model and an 80 LPM model, depending on the size of the treatment unit.